Merry Christmas from Baxter. He's a mean one, and he hates that costume.
Papa and Baxter in his Santa suit
We had a very nice, quiet Thanksgiving. My parents came down because plans with the Jensen family got a little rearranged this year. Jane was out on the east coast helping Kristin...she had her babies early and they are doing just fine. Emma Jane and Noah Michael, we are anxiously waiting for pictures! It was an emergency c-section because Kristin was showing signs of pre-eclampsia. We are very thankful it was caught early and mama and babies are happy and healthy! The babies will have to stay in the NICU for a few weeks until they are a bit stronger, but they are breathing on their own and have had no complications thus far. We are thinking about the Pintos and keeping you all in our prayers! Also very happy everyone is in recovery mode.
So my mom and I put together some appetizers and the turkey. It was our first turkey and it turned out pretty darn good. It was just five of us...Ethan, me, Dave, Mom, and Dad. But it was still nice. They left yesterday...Dave had some school work to do, and I was pretty tired and my allergies were really bad again. So I was kind of down for the count yesterday. But I'm feeling a little better today. Still tired, but I think that's because the allergies have been keeping me up, and it's getting more uncomfortable to sleep. Dave changed the air filter on the furnace so hopefully that helps the allergies at least.
Today I'm getting a few things done around the house, and I have some work to get done before tomorrow. At least I can work from my couch instead of the office on the weekends...that's the only upside to working on the weekends. And I don't feel as behind when I get in on Monday.
OK that's about all for now...only three months and 11 days until this baby gets here!! It seems far away but close at the same time! I'm sure the last two months will creep by, being that January and February are in the dead of winter here in WI...and I'll be so anxious for the third trimester to end. But, that's OK...at least the baby will keep me warm this winter!! Till next time.
Love you all, Car