Friday, October 2, 2009

Almost 7 Months!

In his Badger outfit!

Sitting up like a big boy.

With Grammy

Kisses from Gramma Diane

Driving the boat with Daddy!

And Grammy

And Mama and Uncle Spuds

With is big brudder's hat on.

Reading the Saturday morning paper with Papa.

Toys in the high chair

Exersaucer (yes Lucas does smile a lot, but when I take a picture of him he just stares at me wondering what the heck I'm doing!!).


My two best boys.

This is what happens when it's Daddy's turn to watch him!

Bunch of pics, huh?!
Rachel is right, we need an update. Sorry...I'm not even sure if many people are still checking this? August & September were CRAZY with work...I worked 80ish hours a week. I just cut it back to 45-50 a few weeks ago, so that feels good. I'm going to keep it there. We just went through a huge system conversion and it's been a really tough go-live. We're still having issues but getting a little better.
Lucas is getting SO big! He was 19 pounds at his six-month checkup...that put him in the 75th percentile for weight, and he was 88% for height. So he's not so plump anymore...he used to be in the 96% for weight! But that has gone down as he's gotten older and the doc says that's what's supposed to happen so that's good. He's sitting up now which is really cute! He's laughing and getting lots more personality, it's wonderful! Being a mama is so much fun, the best part of my day is getting him from daycare and playing with him when we get home. :-D And Daddy is just loving it too, they are very cute together and Luke gets a huge smile on his face when Dave comes home! It's really cute. Dave was singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to him the other day (he heard me singing it to Luke first and Luke like it, so daddy tried). Even though Daddy got the words wrong ("the itsy bitsy spider went up the spider wall" according to Dave), Lucas still loved it! Haha!
So, some highlights of the last couple of months are: Jodie's wedding...lots of fun and she was a gorgeous bride, and I worked...a lot. That's about all! We made it up to Gwinn a couple of times as you can see, that is always fun to see Grandma & Grandpa. We are getting some pictures taken next weekend at a pumpkin patch, so I'm really hoping the weather holds out for baby Luke. It would be great to get some cute fall pics of him! And you'll just have to wait for the Halloween post to see what I picked out for his costume. :)
OK, take care, let me know if anyone is still checking this! :-D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lucas Eats Cereal

Lucas tries cereal for the first time, he didn't quite get it at first, but after a while he started chewing on the spoon...pretty cute!! Here it is!! If you want it full-screen, click on the button to the right of the "HQ" at the bottom of the video.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

As promised...

These pictures are a little out of order, but here's a whole bunch!
Me & BW's!


I'm so cute mama.

What is that fing you're pointing at me?

Being cute

Posing for the camera.

Smiles at tummy time!

I'm getting pretty good at this tummy time, mama.

lkm lmm (that was from Luke, he's at the computer with me and typed that)

4th of July baby!

2nd Forth of July outfit.
He's smiley, then when I pull out the camera, he's just too curious what the heck I'm doing and stops smiling! :)

Daddy and baby read.

I like this Bumbo!

Time to swim with mama

High School Reunion

Family on the 4th.

After a bath.

I love this one!!

Two things I forgot to update on: Lucas rolled over for the first time on the 4th of July!! He only did it that once, but he did it. AND Baxter has a nice new home. A lady who retired from KC at the end of June took him. She's really enjoying him so that's good! OK this guy's squirming on my lap, gotta run!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I've been working like a crazy lady!

I'm officially a bad blogger. I haven't updated in over a month. OK I'll do the typing part now and the pictures this weekend (PROMISE!). So going back to work was tough. I cried and cried the night before and the morning I had to leave little Lucas. It just made me sad that someone else would get to see him smiling at them on the changing table. But, I know he's in great hands, so I wasn't too worried. I called twice I think the first day, once the second day, once the third day then I didn't call anymore. They were really nice about it told me how good Lucas was doing. I was fine by the next Monday with bringing him to daycare. It's really fun to pick him up too! I can't wait to get him home to cuddle him.

He had an ear infection a week or so ago and I didn't even know it. He was just really stuffy for over two weeks so I brought him in. The doc said he probably would have developed a fever soon because his ear was pretty inflamed. Poor guy!! But he didn't even seem bothered. He's a laid back little one. That's for sure. His mommy and daddy both have pretty busy go-go-go personalities, I'm not sure where he gets this "I don't really care what I do" attitude. Probably his Uncle Tony! Maybe there's a reason he's named after him!! :) He just goes with the flow, doesn't get upset about much...and chills out most of the time. Just a smiley little man!!

I had Jodie's bachelorette party in Detroit in mid-June. That was LOTS of fun!! It felt good to get out with the girls and live it up a bit. We even met a professional hockey player & Mr. Belding from Saved By The Bell. Pretty funny! Jodie will make such a beautiful bride, I can't wait to see her in that dress!! :) AND I even brought Lucas with me on the plane over to Detroit. He did great! He cried for about 10 seconds when he was hungry. I was really relieved of that because babies' ears are so sensitive...I didn't know how he'd do with the pressure on the plane.

Last weekend we were up in Gwinn/MQT for the 4th of July and my 10 year high school reunion. The reunion actually exceeded my expectations. I thought it might be kind of boring and my good friends and I would want to leave. But it was really fun! Lots of people changed and doing very well for themselves. My feet killed by the end of the night from my shoes, but at least I looked cute! Haha!

I have been working like a crazy woman too. I'm working with some people in India and the UK. So I've been getting up around 5:30 or so to get more time with them. Then head into the office around 11:00 or 12:00. Work until 4:30 and sometimes even log in at night. There are some big deadlines coming up that I really want to hit. So the more work we do now, the sooner we can get this dumb project over with. I'll be proud if it goes well with all of the time I've put into it, but it's kind of burning me out. This weekend I will have to catch up on sleep. to come this weekend!!! Sorry it's been SO long!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cabin & Chicago Fun!

Some cute crib pics

Chewing on his hands, his favorite thing now!

Hi Mama!

Dave and I at Wrigley...unfortunately the picture of all of us (mom, dad, Ethan, Dave, Carley), didn't turn out. :(

Ether and Dave

Ethan and Dave by the Ernie Banks statue

Grandpa and Dad


Grandma Diane and Lucas

Ethan and Mom "kayaking"

Great Grandpa and Lucas

Great Grandma and Lucas
Trying hard at tummy time!


Too cute, I'm bringing this one in to work for my desk. Hopefully I don't cry every time I see it!

Lots of updates! My mom threw me a beautiful shower over Memorial Day weekend. It was really nice, about 20 people showed up out at the cottage in Gwinn. I got LOTS of great stuff that was needed now that Luke is a tad older. It was really nice of everyone to make the trip out to the cabin. And Great Grandma and Grandpa got to meet Lucas, that was very cool.

We have also made a tough decision to find Baxter a new home. He has an aggressive side to him that is not safe for Lucas. He bit Ethan over Memorial Day weekend because he took something away from him he shouldn't have been chewing on. This isn't the first time this has happened. Of course a toddler will always want to play with the dog, and Baxter could very well bite him too. A toddler doesn't know any better. So Baxter needs to go to a home with no kids or older kids. It will be hard, but it is for the best all around. Baxter will get the attention he needs at a new home, and our kids will be safer.

We went to Wrigley Field this past Saturday, it was a lot of fun! It was a bit of a long day since we drove down there and back all in one day, but it was fun. Next time we will stay down there. I cried that morning saying good-bye to Lucas for that long, it was hard. But I made it.

I go back to work tomorrow. :-( I'm really sad to leave my baby, but it has to come sometime. It is sort of bittersweet, because I'm looking forward to seeing my co-workers and have some adult stimulation during the day, but I'm really going to miss Lucas. I hope I'm not a mess at work all day! That would be a little embarrassing. But, if I cry here and there, I'm sure people will understand. :)

We are so blessed with this precious baby boy, he is such a great baby. So content. This makes me feel good about leaving him at daycare, at least I know he'll be good for them. And the daycare is wonderful. They make me feel very comfortable leaving him there. He will be in great hands. But I'm sure I'll be calling them a few times tomorrow, and leaving work right at 4:00 to go and get him!

OK, that's all for now. Love you all!